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i love classical music,to share my favorite well-done plugin with others who love this musicfeatures:- More than 50 top rated internet radio classical music stations-compatible with most enigma2 images and for sd and hd skins- build to work with new kernel 1.6,unknown if it works with 1.5 kenel or not-can be used with linux based receiver like vu-duo- need low intenet download speed connection
more than top 20 bollywood internet stationsspecial request from my friend goldustfeatures:- More than 20 top rated internet radio bollywood music stations-compatible with most enigma2 images and for sd and hd skins- build to work with new kernel 1.6,unknown if it works with 1.5 kenel or not-can be used with linux based receiver like vu-duo- need low intenet download speed connection
with this plugin you can listent to more 100 internet radio stations arabic and classicalthe plugin has many features
Merci E.D.S, petite erreur ; il manque NetRadio BollyWood v2.2b. Dans le .rar il y a Fancontrol à la place.
collection of more than top 30 Turk radio stationsby mahmoud faraj
enigma2 plugin by mfaraj57collection of spanish internet radio stationsmore than 80 top spain internet radio stations for direct playing on dreambox
version 2.6More than 100 Turkish internet radio stationsupdates:-New look,new design for main menu-added background wallpaper-update of stations and plugin from the plugin itself
updates:-New look,new design for main menu-added background wallpaper-update of stations and plugin from the plugin itself