Lors du flash d'un itgate avec ICC, le tranfert des fichiers s'effectue correctement mais le flash ne s'exacute pas et le message suivant apparait à l'ordinateur
Usage Syntax:
tst10.exe /r:script.txt [options]
/r:script.txt run script.txt
[options] any of these:
/o:output.txt send session output to output.txt
/m run script in minimized window
Usage Example:
tst10.exe /r:script.txt /o:output.txt /m
Scripting Syntax:
HOSTNAME PORT port number optional, default: 23
WAIT "string" string to wait for
SEND "string" string to send
\" represents the a quote character
\m represents a <CR/LF>
\\ represents the backslash character
Scripting Example:
hostname.com 23
WAIT "login"
SEND "root\m"
WAIT "password"
SEND "mypassword\m"
WAIT ">"
SEND "dip internet.dip\m"
WAIT ">"
Scripting Note:
You can start with either WAIT or SEND commands,
but you *must* alternate them. ie: you can't use two
or more WAIT or SEND in a row.
TST will disconnect and close as soon
as its done with the last entry of the script.
If you need to, you can type in the terminal
window while the script is running.