Auteur Sujet: Documentation/Tutoriel sur la création de Skins. Où en trouver ?  (Lu 3927 fois)

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Savez-vous où je pourrais trouver une documentation complète sur la création de Skins pour Enigma2 ? J'ai cherché de partout sans rien trouver, à croire que c'est un secret d'état alors que c'est sensé être OpenSource... non ?

J'ai compris le fonctionnement général, avec le logiciel e2skinner c'est assez facile de modifier/créer un skin, mais je n'ai pas la liste des combinaisons converters/sources/renderer qui sont possibles.

En fait, je cherche à ajouter une icône indiquant si un canal est crypté ou pas dans le menu affichant la liste des canaux mais j'arrive juste a afficher l'info pour le canal que l'on regarde comme ceci :
<widget alphatest="on" pixmap="Ai.HD/ico_crypt_on.png" position="844,112" render="Pixmap" size="24,20" source="session.CurrentService" transparent="1">
  <convert type="ServiceInfo">IsCrypted</convert>
  <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />

Alors qu'il faudrait que l'icône s'affiche à la surbrillance du canal dans la liste, donc logiquement, il faudrait faire ça :
<widget alphatest="on" pixmap="Ai.HD/ico_crypt_on.png" position="844,112" render="Pixmap" size="24,20" source="ServiceEvent" transparent="1">
  <convert type="ServiceInfo">IsCrypted</convert>
  <convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />

Mais la combinaison "ServiceEvent"/"ServiceInfo"/"IsCrypted" ne marche pas. "IsCrypted" n'est apparemment pas définit pour le converter "ServiceInfo"...

La seule documentation que j'ai pu trouver est partielle, et ne liste pas toutes les combinaisons :
Skins are now converted to use a "source"/"covert"/"render"-mechanism.

A "source" is a data-source. For example, the infobar has a source called
"CurrentService", which is the currently displayed service, i.e. the channel
the user is watching at the moment.

Now, a "current service" has a lot of properties, like
 - Service Name
 - service number
 - flags like "are subservices available?"
 - playback position, length, ...

Say you want to display the "service name" on screen. Only "renderers" can
paint on the screen. The most basic renderer is the "Label"-Renderer, which
can display a text. The "service name" is a text, so we use the
"Label"-renderer. We also know that "CurrentService" is our source.

But the renderer can only display texts, not "services". It needs something
to turn a "service" into a "text", i.e. something which extracts the service
name out of a service.

That's where "converters" come into action. If we want to extract the
servicename from a service, we need the "ServiceName"-converter. The
"ServiceName"-converter can not only extract the service *name*, but also
the provider name (another property of a service), so we have to specify
what we want.

So our skin data could look like:

<widget source="CurrentService" render="Label" position="69,25"
size="427,26" font="Regular;22" backgroundColor="#101258" >
<convert type="ServiceName">Name</convert>

The "call chain" consists of

"CurrentService" -> "ServiceName(NAME)" -> "Label"

The are the following source types:

Clock - the current time
EventInfo - the current now&next events
MenuList - a menu
CurrentService - the currently playing service
FrontendStatus - frontend status, like BER, Signal Strength etc.
Boolean - a usually fixed boolean value, for example "is record possible?"

Actually used sources are defined in a "Screen". That is, a Screen offers
sources, which you can use inside your skin.

The "Infobar", for example, offers the following sources:


Then there are the following "Converters":

ClockToText - turns a 'Clock' source into a text
    "WithSeconds": "hh:mm:ss"
    "InMinutes"  : "mm min"
    "Date"       : "Wednesday, 07 June, 2006"
    "Default"    : "hh:mm"
EventName - extracts the event name
    "Description": Extracts the description of the event
    "ExtendedDescription": Extracts the extended description of the event
    "Name": extracts the name of the event
EventTime - extracts the event time
    "EndTime": extracts the end time of the event
    "Remaining": extracts the remaining time of the event
    "StartTime": extracts the start time of the event
    "Duration": extracts the duration of the event
    "Progress": extracts the progress of the event
RemainingToText - turns a "remaining"-time into text ("xxx m", or "+xx m")
  It automatically uses the event length when the remaining time is invalid
StringList - turns a menulist into a list usable for a "Listbox"-renderer
FrontendInfo - extracts specific information out of a frontend

  You can either use a "Progress" or "Label" renderer, or, with Lock or
  BER, you can use a ConditionalShowHide to show a "warning symbol" when
  BER is >0.

ServiceInfo - extracts info out of a service
ConditionalShowHide - conditionally show/hide a widgets based on the
                      source's boolean output
  Optional parameter: "Invert" - inverts the sense, i.e. show when boolean
                      value is false
ServicePosition - extracts the current service play position out of a

Then there are the following renderers:

You can also put multiple converters in a row. Each one will pick up the
output of the last coverter.

Of course you can only connect items which are compatible. Right now you
have to look at the examples :)

Some more examples:


<widget source="CurrentService" render="Pixmap" pixmap="button_green.png" position="320,132" size="27,12" >
<convert type="ServiceInfo">SubservicesAvailable</convert>
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide" />

will display a pixmap whenever the "CurrentService" has


<widget source="CurrentService" render="PositionGauge" position="247,60" size="225,20" zPosition="2" pointer="position_pointer.png:3,5" >
<convert type="ServicePosition">Gauge</convert>

The "ServicePosition" is extracted from the CurrentService, and the
PositionGauge picks that information up and displays it on screen.


<widget source="Event_Now" render="Label" position="210,68" size="60,22" font="Regular;20" backgroundColor="dark">
<convert type="EventTime">StartTime</convert>
<convert type="ClockToText">Default</convert>
The StartTime is extracted from the Event_Now (current event), and converted
into text with the standard (hh:mm) style, then displayed with the
C'est sensé se trouver là : /build/tmp/work/enigma2-2.2cvs20070628-r0/enigma2/doc/ mais je n'ai pas cette arborescence sur mon récepteur. Je pense que c'est probablement dans le code source non compilé que je n'arrive pas à trouver sur le net.

Merci de votre aide !

Wavefrontier T90 + 22 LNBs (12.5°W, 11°W, 8°W, 5°W, 4°W, 0.8°W, 4.8°E, 7°E, 9°E, 10°E, 13°E, 16°E, 19.2°E, 21.6°E, 23.5°E, 26°E, 28.2°E, 31.5°E, 33°E, 36°E, 39°E, 42°E) + Clarke-Tech ET9000 HD + Vu+ Duo + Sat-Link WS-6912 + BisTV + TNTSat + SRG/SSR + Sky Freesat UK