Et voici la 2ième mouture de l'image VDR concoctée par Arvy:
Cette fois, uniquement la version pour clef USB est dispo (version flash sur demande, mais comme c'est encore très expérimental, je conseille pas)
A télécharger ici: (full readme in the archive)
C3LN - VDR-1.7.4 for CubeRevo
release 0.2: But the second wasn't enough
USB release first, flash-version will follow if requested
changes/new features:
- EPG key now opens programguide
- Recordings key now opens recordings
- fixed extended epg (tested with dutch canaldigitaal), MHW1, MHW2, NagraGuide, Freesat and some more
- fixed most could not set feed errors
- added rotor plugin (not enabled by default, add -Protor to VDROPTS, you need to disable diseqc to use the plugin)
- added webtv (point browser to
http://ip-of-box:3000) using streamdev-server
- added epgsearch plugin
- added chanman plugin, to allow grouping by provider, sort by name, or use groups inside the channellist.
fixed bugs:
- channelscan: scan aborted instantly
- add video dir to /media
- play button after ffwd/rev.
Merci Arvy pour ton boulot.
PS: Je testerai normalement demain (si j'ai le temps) et vous ferez un petit rapport.