Merci à tous pour ces précisions
Effectivement l'image OoZooN gère parfaitement bien les SDCards ou autre clé USB car elle possède les drivers nécessaires à la gestion de ces périphériques.
Là ou cela se complique, c'est lorsque l'on à une autre image qui ne gère pas de la même façon ces supports amovibles. Si vous tentez d'installer BA via la procédure d'écrite dans cette section et que votre image ne possède pas les drivers, vous aurez droit à ce message :
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen (5.0.33) to root...
It's a Dream !
Your Flash image Kernel now HAS to include the USB drivers
or Barry Allen will not even install anymore !
now checking if image in Flash uses latest secondstage loader ...
!!!!!! LAST WARNING !!!!!!
People using hacked Barry Allen Versions on Cloneboxes which
don't have the latest original bootloader for booting
current images should start thinking if the Loadercheck
maybe is also included in the Bootmanager or the
nfidump binary for extracting nfi files - just waiting
until his Spanish is perfect ?
secondstage loader OK
now checking if image in Flash has built the USB drivers into the kernel
Looks like this image doesn't have an USB enabled Kernel (yet)
I'm sorry, Barry Allen will NOT install in this image !
Maybe you should ask Bart Allen for Help and then try it again.
preinst script returned status 1
An error ocurred, return value: 1.
Collected errors:
Aborting installation of enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen
Il faut donc effectuer au préalable l'installation de ces drivers en flash via le plugin bartallen.
Bartallenroot@dm8000:/#cd /tmp
root@dm8000:/tmp#ipkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-bartallen*.ipk
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-bartallen (1.0_r2) to root...
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-bartallen
It's a Dream !
now checking if image in Flash has built the USB drivers into the kernel
-------------------- < Script > ----------------------------
ipkg-cl list > /tmp/ipkg-list.tmp; echo ">>> DONE <<<";
Looks like Bart Allen helps out on the Kernel side !
Reboot now to activate Bart Allen Kernel.
root@dm8000:/tmp# ipkg-cl list > /tmp/ipkg-list.tmp; echo ">>> DONE <<<";
>>> DONE <<<
-------------------- < Script > ----------------------------
ipkg-cl list_installed > /tmp/ipkg-installed.tmp; echo ">>> DO NE <<<";
>>> DONE <<<
Vous pouvez donc ensuite relancer l'installation de barryallen :
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen (5.0.33) to root...
It's a Dream !
Your Flash image Kernel now HAS to include the USB drivers
or Barry Allen will not even install anymore !
now checking if image in Flash uses latest secondstage loader ...
!!!!!! LAST WARNING !!!!!!
People using hacked Barry Allen Versions on Cloneboxes which
don't have the latest original bootloader for booting
current images should start thinking if the Loadercheck
maybe is also included in the Bootmanager or the
nfidump binary for extracting nfi files - just waiting
until his Spanish is perfect ?
secondstage loader OK
now checking if image in Flash has built the USB drivers into the kernel
Barry Allen stops automount, reboot after installation to get it back
Barry Allen already installed, no Format needed
You can relax now !
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen
Integrating Barry Allen into Flash Image
/MB_Images will be created on /media/hdd/MB_Images
Integrating Barry Allen into WebIF
Flash Kernel Version: 2.6.12-5.1-brcmstb-dm8000
Barry Allen feels home at /dev/ide/host0/bus1/target0/lun0/part1
which is the Harddisk
disabled keep squashfs
bapostinst is disabled - enable with the Barry Allen Plugin if wanted
second Image in Flash of 8000 is now disabled
Installation or Upgrade of Barry Allen is now finished !
If this is a new installation, then please reboot NOW
to check if Barry Allen Plugin shows up in the Plugin List !
PS: You can ignore any file_move or Can't open status file
errors after this, they don't hurt
-------------------- < Script > ----------------------------
ipkg-cl list > /tmp/ipkg-list.tmp; echo ">>> DONE <<<";
>>> DONE <<<
-------------------- < Script > ----------------------------
pkg-cl list_installed > /tmp/ipkg-installed.tmp; echo ">>> DO NE <<<";
>>> DONE <<<
Comme vous pouvez le lire, BA s'est installé sur HDD pour ma part
Pour info également, j'ai trouvé dans le script de BA, les différents endroits où il va regarder pour s'installer / vérifier ce qui est déjà installé :
# list of all possible BA bootdevices
A la suite de cela, comme BA a été installé sur mon HDD et qu'il n'a pas reconnu ma clé USB dès le départ malgré l'installation de bartallen, j'ai rebooté la DM8000, et la BA m'a modifié le chemin d'installation de lui même. J'ai maintenant retrouvé mes images installées sur ma clé USB. Pour vérifier que BA utilise bien ma clé USB, j'ai relancé une installation du plugin et là on peut voir que je suis bien sur la clé :
Flash Kernel Version: 2.6.12-5.1-brcmstb-dm8000
Barry Allen feels home at /dev/scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part1
which is an USB Stick