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====================================================Barry Allen for Dreambox 7025, 800, 8000====================================================Version 5.0.0 by gutemine from 02.10.2009====================================================Release infos====================================================0.1.0 first official Version0.1.1 add LCD support, copy, rename and erase0.2.0 add backup and more tools options0.2.1 bugfixes0.2.2 quod erat demonstrandum0.3.0 WebIF and Wizards0.3.1 nl, 12 images, bugfixes0.3.2 tar.bz2 images, instant extract0.4.0 OE 1.5 support, Flashing and user scripts WebIF0.4.1 keep squashfs and Barry Allen gets fat0.4.2 time for a new version and new language fr0.4.3 feeding the GNU0.4.4 time for a new version4.4.6 preliminary dm800 support4.5.0 DM 800 support4.6.1 DM 8000 support4.8.0 time for a new version4.9.0 new kernel5.0.0 new partitions====================================================Thanks to noggie for his nfi file tools !Thanks to DarkVolli for the enigma1 plugin !====================================================
mach lieber auch einen Upgrade auf .31 weil im Handling vom /0 image war da auch noch ein kleiner bug der dort schon gefixed ist.