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What is new ? MeoBoot now supports DM7025 Boot Menu and Boot Logo Backup/Restore multiboot images DM8000 SD card installation bug fixed International Languages SupportCurrently Available languages: Italian by bacicciosat Croatian by Min@ Serbian by Veselinv Espanol by Seti72 Portuguese by Porto French by SuperAnyaTo install the plugin, you must first boot from your flash image, then follow these steps:1) with your favorite FTP tool, copy the IPK file to /tmp2) start a Telnet session3) digit cd / and press Enter4) digit ipkg -force-overwrite install /tmp/MeoBoot092.ipk and press EnterEnigma2 will automatically restarted. Launch the plugin, and the update will have been completed.After the upgrade is completed, all your previously installed images will still be available.