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-----------------------------| PGI v0.5, Höllenbrut |-----------------------------Many thanks to uncle.f for helping to prepare this release!Features=========- Based on DGS 11577- Freezers and Pixelations on HD channels solved due to fixed drivers- Newcs, Mgcamd 1.33, Incubus and Mbox are integrated but only Newcs and Mgcamd are preconfigured.- Recent and stable Busybox 1.15.3 built in- All shell commands are working properly and the shell has a permanent history- Also included the editor "nano" for the console- Own carddriver included- Fixed the streaming player from sbox, encrypted channels are now supported,and stream quality is greatly improved- Faster booting times- Scripts are on colour buttons of the RC- and more changes ...Changes since last release===========================General:- Support for DRE-Cam's- Support for using nfs share for recording instead of hdd- Add: mg_launcher for people having problems with regular mgcamd- Update: WebIf 1.5- Update: Busybox 1.15.3- Update: Sqlite 3.6.21- Update: e2fsprogs 1.41.9sbox:- Fix: automounting works again- Fix: connected and disconnected are not translated in the mount_manager_fstab- Enabled Video clearing when switching channels- Fix: EPG scanner does not get stuck on channels with only now&next info (thanks kneubi)- Swapped functions of PgUp/Down and buttons in channel and fav list- Timeshift can be exited with Stop button- File replay can be stopped in the Filelist also- Added the normal volumebar in the video player- Password prompts can be turned on/off generally with a new menu option (In Parental Control)- The per channel stored volume settings get applied on channel switches immediately- The blue button sorts the channellist alphabetically (In the 'All' list).Favorites are still reachable with the FAV button.- Fixed Multicast streaming in the Streaming Player.- Removed Unicast option from Streaming Player. People who only need unicast should use WebTV in the Webif.- A script can be assigned to the WWW button on the remote, /var/bin/www.sh- New entry Weather forecast in main menu- OSD screenshots in the WebIf work nowConfiguration==============The image specific configuration files are located in /var/etc/boot_services.cfgHere you can choose which services get started at bootup.Services are for example samba, nfs, newcs, etc.You can also choose the default skin and softcam.Functions on colour buttons===========================Red FavpipGreen Change zoomYellow Restart softcamHave fun,pacco