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Vu+ UNO Firmware Upgrade [INFORMATION]
« le: 14 août 2011 à 22:04:02 »
Vu+ UNO Firmware Upgrade

Il semblerait qu'il y est un problème de scan sur certains TP.
Perso je n'ai rien constaté et nous n'avons eu aucune remontée d'infos à ce sujet de la part des utilisateurs.
En tous cas si vous rencontrez ce soucis, la MAJ via le plugin FPGA fixe le problème.

Important notice for Vu+ UNO users!

As promised, Vu+ UNO is now on sale from June, 2011.
Vu+ is very thankful for the interest in our new product and we will keep trying to update our products.

There was several reports about scanning problem in specific TP and new firmware is released to fix the problem.
We strongly recommend to upgrade your box if you find a problem in scanning channel(s) with your box.

There are two ways to upgrade your box.
One is using your USB memory stick and the other is upgrading directly from the internet.

Tuto sur le plugin FPGA : Vu+ UNO - Utilisation du plugin FPGA
