Auteur Sujet: Gigant Image Multiboot for VU+ Duo by Webkurier - 08.01.2011  (Lu 4714 fois)

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Gigant Image Multiboot for VU+ Duo by Webkurier - 08.01.2011
« le: 09 janvier 2011 à 23:53:52 »
Gigant Image Multiboot for VU+ Duo by Webkurier - 08.01.2011

The best of BH, VTI, and Gemini

Based on Black Hole 1.4.2 image

* Enigma: 08.01.2011
* Drivers: 21.12.2010

* Skins:

- Factory5P by Matrix10
- DMConcinnity HD Transparent by Kerni
- HD Glass 14 by Shamann
- HD Gradient (default)

* Plugins:

# Black Hole BluePanel - addons, softcam manager
# GeminiProject3 BluePanel - addons, softcam manager (nowa wersja 0.19-r1)
# Gigant Panel - uruchamianie skryptów, backup, k*y updater, itp. (nowa wersja 08.01.11)
# VTI Panel - addons, softcam manager (nowa wersja 2.3)
# Easy Media - panel multimedialny
# DMNapi - pobiera z netu polskie napisy w formacie txt, konwertuje do src i wyświetla je na filmach
# Ultime Notizie - czytnik polskich stron RSS + program TV (Interia, Telemagazyn)
# RSS Reader - czytnik rss gemini (dodano polskie kanały)
# BH EPG - Rytec Epg na 7 dni dla wszystkich kanałów polskich i zagranicznych
# Dreamnetcast - radio internetowe z możliwością nagrywania na dysk (ponad 300 polskich stacji, nowa aktualna lista)
# Weather Plugin - prognoza pogody dla wszystkich miast w Polsce i w Europie z serwera Google
# Weather - prognoza pogody dla wszystkich miast w Polsce i w Europie z serwera The Weather Channel
# Kamery internetowe gemini (nowa lista)
# Aspect Ratio Switch - przełącznik proporcji obrazu
# CCCam info + Prio maker - menadżer cccam
# Multi Quickbutton gemini - programowanie przycisków pilota
# MyTube - filmy z internetu
# Meoboot - do uruchamiania innych images w multiboot

... And other feed available online from the BH, Nabilo, VTI and Gemini

Functions of the buttons on the remote control:

Blue - Blue Panel BH
Blue long - Extensions

Yellow - RSS Reader
Yellow long - Weather Forecast

Green - A list of plugins + BH feed
Green long - list of plugins + feed VTI

Red - Gemini GP3 BluePanel
Red long - VTI Panel

EPG - Current Event (Event view)
EPG long - Cool TV Guide

TEXT - videotext
TEXT long - subkanały (subservices)

Long RADIO - Dreamnetcast webradio
STOP - switching formats, 4:3 / 16:9

============================================================ ===============
Warning! Image does not include keys or emulators!
Some plug-ins and skins were processed for the use of the image.
Full support only in the image in Flash installed.
============================================================ ===============

When you first start to put the usb memory stick, turn on the Devices Manager (2 x blue) and mount the drive as / media / hdd and flash drive as a media / usb.
Then run meoboot and install it in / media / usb.
W / media / usb Picon create a directory, and directory spinner - spinner.tar.gz copy archive to / tmp and install the giant panel.
Each time you update plugins gemini run in the giant patch panel, which will restore the default settings.

Gracias a Webkurier
