bonjour a tous
je suis désoler de poster ici sur ce poste mais je nais trouver nul par la section dreambox 7025
ci un modo âpres peux changer le poste merci et toute mais excuse d’avance
LT6 The Sixth Sense SP2 for DM7025
Released due to all the request we recived to release a 7025 image
please use this image at your own risk as we could notfully test it
LT6 sp2 release
whats new
Enigma2 20100508
dm800/dm8000/dm500hd 20100414
dm7025 dm20100104
dm800/dm8000/dm7025 #76
dm500hd #78
OE 1.5
* dm8000 also new frontprocessor software version #7
* Followed changes in Enigma2.
* LT External EPG in sp1 had a bug when starting using it.
* Some small updates to weather plugins.
* also added missing screens in skin
dreambox 7025