Auteur Sujet: Image Enigma 2 Nightly Build: v 0.9.7  (Lu 5522 fois)

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Hors ligne zorglub

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Image Enigma 2 Nightly Build: v 0.9.7
« le: 05 juillet 2010 à 00:06:31 »
Quelle abondance d'images...voici la Nightly build 0.9.7 de Tideglo:

Nightly Build Release 0.9.7

* enabled the possibility to use "openvpn --auth-user-pass FILE" command
* update openvpn to last stable release (it should solve problems on connection timeout)
* fixed the bug on recordings playback
* fixed RGB green color on Scart
* fixed AutoSwitch on Scart (so you can set if enable it or not in the enigma2 menu, this is not true
if the receiver is in standby mode: this means you will have always the signal through TV scart if something is connected to the VCR Scart)
* fixed widesignal over the Scart connector
* fixed Scart's signals on cuberevo-250hd
* some other fixes on Scart to send the good signal to let other devices know that a signal is present
* fixed a bug on tuxtxt
* fixed the bug: channel name on front display when standby mode active in some casual cases
* fixed the bug: channel name on front display when standby mode active after that mediaplayer is used
* added fw_env.config in /etc/ directory, on flash you can edit it in the /var/etc/ directory (usefull for ippe's multiboot editor plugin)
* fixed osd screenshot on webif
* /mnt/ directory is now writeable in flash version
* /media/ directory is now writeable in flash version
* little fixes for screen resolution mode changing
* fixed the reading for front panel display settings
* fixed the reading for time settings (let me know if you will find other bugs on getting correctly the time)
* fixed webremote on webinterface
* updated timezone list, more option available now same as the standard (if you find any kind of problem just report it)
* on flash version: now CleanupWizard should not ask you all the time to free the space left
* added possibility to update Date/Time automatically using the CuberevoVFD plugin (useful for first enigma2 start: just press the yellow button
on the plugin screen and when you will exit from the plugin, the channel tuned will get updates for current date/time)
* fixed many e2 paths to prevent from unwanted crashes
* optimized a bit the free space (now enigma2 should take less space than previous versions)
* Unicable should be better usable now
* added TuxboxPlugins plugin (witch should run old tuxbox *.so plugins: default directory where to place plugins is "/usr/lib/tuxbox/plugins/")
* first try fix for zd1211b and added also zd1211 wireless driver (insmod the zd1211.ko or zd1211b.ko module if you need to use it)
* first try fix for rt2870/rt3070 wireless driver (insmod the rt3070sta.ko module if you need to use it)
* update Enigma2 CVS to 03/07/2010

About wireless drivers: please report if they are working or not (i can't test them directly)

Enjoy it! Tideglo


Bon amusement
-GigaBlue Quad + HDD 1TB + Openmips
-IPBox9000HD+HDD250GB+DGS off en flash + en multiboot: E2 (hdd) + images diverses en usb
-Cartes: TNTsat+Télésat (OScam)
-Parabole BisatG4: 19,2°E-13°E-4.8°E-5°W

Hors ligne MiKe

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Re: Image Enigma 2 Nightly Build: v 0.9.7
« Réponse #1 le: 05 juillet 2010 à 00:23:02 »
Merci pour l'info zorglub  ;)
DM8000 HD PVR - HDD Western Digital Caviar Green 1 To - Graveur DVD LiteOn -
VU+ Duo - Solo2 -
iTGate TGS100 - TGS200 - TGS210 -
ET 5000 -
Plasma Pioneer Kuro PdP - LX5090H !

Hors ligne sango

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Re: Image Enigma 2 Nightly Build: v 0.9.7
« Réponse #2 le: 05 juillet 2010 à 18:54:24 »
Merci  ;)
Tv LG UJ630V 4K ,Tv Led 3D Panasonic TX-48AS640E ,TV 4K-3D Panasonic TX-55CXE720
Vu+Duo 4K SE (PLI 8 )
ET10000(PLI 6)
Vu+Duo(PLI 6)
BISAT G4 - 3 tètes quattro => 19.2°Est ,13°Est + 1 Parabole pointée sur le 28.2°Est