IMAGE VTI VU+ TEAM - V1.2 06.06.2010 Master [IMAGE VU+ DUO]
Neues VTi "Vu+ Team Image" - V1.2-06.06.2010 Master
Enigma 04.06.2010
Treiber 04.06.2010
Plugins 06.06.2010
Skins 06.06.2010
Änderungen im Image:
Eigene Bootlogo's und neues Radiomode Logo.
diverse Anpassungen am Image und Diffs sowie Links von /usr/keys bzw. /var/keys im Image und andere kleinere Sachen.
NEW* Vuplus Duo
1. Fix 4:3 video mode problem.
2. Turn off FAN at standby mode when there is no channel recording.(Duo only)
3. Fix udev problem.
4. Change to download driver from vuplus server.
( ** All build trees are being moved to vuplus git server **)
5. Move kernel-module dependency to from
6. Clean up udev-static-devices
7. Internal test routine is added to e2
8. Fix frame rate information(20100603 driver)