Auteur Sujet: Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo [24/04/2010]  (Lu 4656 fois)

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Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo [24/04/2010]
« le: 25 avril 2010 à 08:59:50 »
Giant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo

Based Image of VTI


* Image from 24/04/2010 Mod
* Headset official from 19.04.2010
* Polish language from 24/04/2010 Mod.
* Polish text mod
* Satellites.xml to Reinh @ rd of 04/21/2010
* Channel List - Vhannibal Motor 75E> <45W PL from 04/23/2010 Mod
* Meoboot 0.96 (copy settings to the new image - check on it)
* Skin: Elgato InfoBar Second-HD mod
* Online Addons Server:
- VTI default (/ etc / iPKG)
- OpenPLi (etc/ipkg1)
- Oficial (etc/ipkg2)
- DM (software manager)


# Apple Movie Trailers to Newnigma2 - movie trailers in HD format and SD (configuration menu)
# VTI Panel - SOFC manager and scripts VTI
# Emu Manager - SoftCam manager PLI
# Open Panel - User scripts
# Dream Explorer - file manager (software update disabled)
# DMNapi - Polish subtitles downloads, converts them to a format. Srt and displays on the films (with Dream Explorer)
# DD Subt - examines the EPG, subtitle retrieves from the database and displays the movies
# RSS Reader - RSS reader Polish sites + TV program (Interia, Telemagazyn)
# Shoutcast - Internet radio with recording capability - more than 200 Polish station
# Import EPG - EPG charge for Polish and foreign channels max. 10 days
# Live Scores - Live Soccer Results
# Time Changer - Correction System
# Webcam Viewer - webcams in Poland and worldwide
# Wetterinformation - the weather from the portal
# Aspect Ratio Switch - switch the aspect ratio is such on TVP, TVN, Polsat (Help button)
# Weather satellite - the satellite weather map

and others ...

Color Settings button (the possibility of another programmable):

Short Blue - Extensions
Long Blue - VTI Panel

Short Yellow - Timeshift
Long Yellow - RSS Reader

Short green - List subkanałów
Long Green - List of plugins

Short red - Recording
Long red - Open Panel

! Image does not include keys or emulators!

Download USB version

Download NFI version

Meoboot 0.96 Full for Gigant Image

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Re: Gigant BU-Multiboot Image for VU + Duo [24/04/2010]
« Réponse #1 le: 25 avril 2010 à 09:57:11 »
Merci a toi!
Samsung PS42C96HDX - 107cm - HD ready
Vu+Duo - Vti 0.9 - Hypercam 2.0  - HDD WD CG 500Go - Clé usb Samsung 4go
Linksys Nslu2 - Clé usb kingston DT 4go
Csat 039 - Bis Tv Ultimum - SRG HD - TNT sat HD