Auteur Sujet: OOZOON CVS IMAGE EXPERIMENTAL du 28/03/10 : OE15 SS#75 [IMAGE DM800]  (Lu 4422 fois)

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•OoZooN-CVS-lean-dm800-20100328.nfi + OoZooN-CVS-full-dm800-20100328.nfi

•here is my latest CVS Image from Enigma² "experimental" tree.
•Enigma is of 28.03.2010
•the plugins are of 28.03.2010
•the drivers are of 17.01.2010
•new kernel
•secondstage is 75
•changes at Enigma² can be pursued HERE

•this image is available in two versions: lean and full. the lean is about 30,0 mb, the full is 42,6 mb.
•everything what's stripped in the lean, can installed via plugin-download and also deinstalled!
•the full-version contains all listed plugins and needed libs and is intended for all, who have their box not online
•of course are plugins and libs deinstallable if not needed.

•my changes at oe:

•own bootlogo's, artwork by clumsy
•with satellites.xml - enigma² by Reinh@rd
•additional kernelstuff: cdfs, ntfs, usbseriell, ftdi-sio und pl2303
•changes of dccamd start
•dccamd not included in image, can be installed via plugin download

•(*) in full und lean included
•(**) only in full included
•(***) only via plugin-download available


•autoresolution (***)
•cleanupwizard (***)
•crashlogautosubmit (***)
•defaultservicesscanner (*)
•diseqctester (***)
•hotplug (**)
•ledmanager (***)
•networkbrowser (***)
•networkserver (***)
•networkwizard (*)
•positionersetup (*)
•satelliteeditor (***)
•satelliteequipmentcontrol (*)
•satfinder (*)
•serviceeditor (***)
•setpasswd (***)
•skinselector (*)
•softwaremanager (**)
•startupservice (***)
•videoenhancement (***)
•videomode (*)
•videotune (*)
•wirelesslan (*)


•audiosync (***)
•aioscreengrabber (**)
•antiscrollbar (***)
•ardmediathek (***)
•autodimm (***)
•autotimer (**)
•babelzapper (***)
•backgroundswitcher (***)
•barryallen (***)
•buliticker (***)
•bwmon (***)
•captain-shell (***)
•cdinfo (**)
•covermanager (***)
•cronmanager (***)
•cutlisteditor (**)
•crossepg (***)
•cvsnews (***)
•dccamd (***)
•djmount (***)
•dreamexplorer (***)
•dreamirc (***)
•dvdbackup (***)
•dvdburn (***)
•dvdcontroller (***)
•dvdeject (***)
•dvdplayer (**)
•dyndns (***)
•emailclient (***)
•epgrefresh (**)
•epgsearch (***)
•esame (***)
•fantastic (***)
•filebrowser (***)
•filemanager (***)
•flashcheck (***)
•freeze (***)
•fritzcall (***)
•ftpbrowser (***)
•genuinedreambox (***)
•googlemaps (***)
•graphmultiepg (**)
•growlee (***)
•hddtemp (**)
•httpproxy (***)
•hdmon (***)
•imdb (**)
•iprec (***)
•kiddytimer (***)
•lastfm (***)
•lcdskin (***)
•ledctl (***)
•letterbox (***)
•livescore (***)
•logomanager (***)
•lottozahlen (***)
•mediacenter (***)
•mediadownloader (***)
•mediaplayer (**)
•mediaplayerdeluxe (***)
•mediascanner (*)
•merlinbrowser (***)
•merlinepgsearch (***)
•merlinexplorer (***)
•merlinmp3player (***)
•merlinmp3playerhdskin (***)
•merlinpg (***)
•meteoitalia (***)
•modem (***)
•mosaic (***)
•mountie (***)
•mountie-light (***)
•moviecut (**)
•moviejukebox (***)
•movielistpreview (***)
•movieplayer (***)
•movieretitle (**)
•movieselectionquickbutton (***)
•movie-splitter (***)
•movietagger (**)
•multquickbutton (***)
•multirc (***)
•mytube (***)
•netcaster (**)
•newmediaplayer (***)
•nfsserver (**)
•noipclient (***)
•ofdb (**)
•off (***)
•openpanel (***)
•orfat (***)
•orwell (***)
•partnerbox (***)
•passwordchanger (***)
•pauli (***)
•permanentclock (***)
•permanentrecording (***)
•permanenttimeshift (***)
•pictureplayer (**)
•pluginlist (***)
•podcast (***)
•porncenter (***)
•puremp3player (***)
•quickbutton (***)
•quicktv (***)
•reconsructapsc (***)
•remotetimer (***)
•remotetv (***)
•rsdownloader (***)
•sambaserver (**)
•screensaver (**)
•seekbar (***)
•sherlock (***)
•shoutcast (***)
•silenzio (**)
•simplebitrate (**)
•simplerss (**)
•socketmmi (**)
•spinnerselektor (***)
•sportinfos (***)
•startuptostandby (***)
•suduko (***)
•suomipoeka (***)
•swapscript (***)
•tageditor (**)
•timeshiftsave (***)
•timeupdate (***)
•trafficinfo (***)
•translator (***)
•tuxcom (**)
•tversity (***)
•unwetterinfo (***)
•updatecheck (*)
•userscripts (*)
•vlcplayer (**)
•wallywest (***)
•wetherplugin (***)
•wethersat (***)
•webbrowser (***)
•webcamviewer (***)
•webinterface (**)
•webradiofs (***)
•werbezapper (**)
•xmltvimport (***)
•youtubeplayer (***)
•zaphistorybrowser (***)
•zapstatistic (***)
•zdfmediathek (***)


•basic-hd (***)
•blackbox (***)
•blueline (***)
•blueline.extended (***)
•blueline.single (***)
•brushed alu-hd (**)
•chromeline (**)
•chromeline.cobolt (***)
•dreammm-hd (***)
•dreamtv-hd (**)
•dtv-hd (**)
•elgato-hd (***)
•lt6-hd (***)
•flatline (***)
• (***)
•glassline (***)
•greenline (***)
•greenline.extended (***)
•greenline.single (***)
•greyline (***)
•greyline.extended (***)
•greyline.single (***)
•shadowline (**)
•simple (***)
•swain (***)
•swain-hd (*)
•valikingsize (***)
•verysimple (***)
•veryverysimple (***)
•yads-hd (***)
•picon 07.0e 3d (***)
•picon 09.0e 3d (***)
•picon 13.0e 3d (***)
•picon 16.0e 3d (***)
•picon 19.0e 3d (***)
•picon 39.0e 3d (***)
•picon 42.0e 3d (***)
•picon 01.0e 3d hd (***)
•picon 04.8e 3d hd (***)
•picon 07.0e 3d hd (***)
•picon 09.0e 3d hd (***)
•picon 13.0e 3d hd (***)
•picon 16.0e 3d hd (***)
•picon 19.2e 3d hd (***)
•picon 23.5e 3d hd (***)
•picon 28.2e 3d hd (***)
•picon 39.0e 3d hd (***)
•picon 42.0e 3d hd (***)

•my changes at enigma:

•MHW epg active
•load patch for crossepg
•bouquetbutton patch
•.recordings patch

•this image is updateble via plugins -> softwareupdate over internet!

•OE Build Configuration:

•BB_VERSION = "1.4.2-git"
•TARGET_ARCH = "mipsel"
•TARGET_OS = "linux"
•MACHINE = "dm800"
•DISTRO = "opendreambox"
•TARGET_FPU = "soft"

•Download Lean   
•   md5: 89910723baaebacb85f52a5bbe1a476d

•Download Full   
•   md5: b98505e378bdaeb12692275ae9fc1f9e

•or via multiboot download at Multiboot / BarryAllen Plugin

 => Téléchargement
Vu+ Duo
Vu+ Solo se V2

Hors ligne MiKe

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    • Doume Forum
Ils sont encore en OE 1.5  ???
DM8000 HD PVR - HDD Western Digital Caviar Green 1 To - Graveur DVD LiteOn -
VU+ Duo - Solo2 -
iTGate TGS100 - TGS200 - TGS210 -
ET 5000 -
Plasma Pioneer Kuro PdP - LX5090H !

Hors ligne eBox

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  • Messages: 1.328
Cela laisse t'il sous entendre des soucis avec la OE 1.6 !!
Vu+ Duo
Vu+ Solo se V2


  • Invité
Ça tombe bien je n'y suis toujours pas passé ..  ;D

Hors ligne eBox

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  • Membre Héroïque
  • *****
  • Messages: 1.328
J'ai fais des tests hier avec une OE 1.6 cela semblait OK sur DM8k en flash
J'ai aussi essayé la oozoon beta OE 16 sur DM8k. Installation ok. Instal de BA ok mais impossible de booter sur une image en multiboot
Vu+ Duo
Vu+ Solo se V2